If this is your first attempt to write for publication, let an experienced Christian editor review your work and give you advice that will help you produce a manuscript that will be attractive to publishers he will recommend.
If you have written for publication before, let an experienced editor assist you in producing the best possible manuscript you can develop that will be attractive to potential publishers.
An Experienced Christian Editor
Dr. Ackelson has served for nineteen years as Senior Editor and Editorial Director of Christian Ed. Publishers of San Diego, CA, 27 years as owner and editor of Lighthouse Editing, and 18 months as Senior Editor for Zur Ltd.
He has edited more than 450 parts and pieces of curriculum for Christian Ed. Publishers since 1981 when he began as a freelance editor for high school curriculum. From 1984-90 as senior editor, he edited the curricula for ages 4-17. From 1990-2003, he edited curricula for ages 6-11. This included Leader’s Guide books and Leader’s manuals for each quarter. It also included Bible teaching resources sheets, classroom activity sheets, take-home papers, and (for grades 5-6 only) Faith-Builder Activity Packs.
Since 2012, as senior editor, Dr. Lon has edited 180 parts and pieces of downloadable curriculum for Sunday school children (preschool, early elementary, and upper elementary) for Zur Ltd., a publishing company that bought Christian Ed Publishers. This includes downloadable curricula for teachers for each quarter (2012-13).
He has edited a number of feature articles (both fiction and non-fiction) for Lighthouse Editing, each of which were honed to be attractive to potential publishers. Every article he has edited has been accepted by publishers he recommended to the writers.
He has edited nine books. Six were for Lighthouse Editing, while the other four were published by Coast Publishing Co. Nine books had single authors, while the tenth had multiple authors.
He has co-written and edited a book titled Is Your Church Heavenly? This book consists of an exposition of Christ’s seven letters to the churches in Revelation 2-3 plus practical application of the positive characteristics of each church. The book was published in 2008 by Zoe Life Publishers of Canton, Michigan.
He also served as consulting editor for a series of adult Bible study books at Coast Publishing Company of Castle Rock, Colorado (which is now out of business).
Dr. Ackelson is more than an editor of articles and books; he is also a published author. For seven years during the 70s and early 80s, he served as an assigned writer for Union Gospel Press. While there, he wrote Sunday school curriculum for Young Adults and for their Sunday school superintendent. During this time, he also served as a pastor. He has written several feature articles that have been published in Christian magazines and Sunday school take-home papers. His articles have been published by the Good News Broadcaster, Moody Monthly, The Pastor’s Manual, Voice (IFCA), and Freeway. (The first and the second magazines mentioned are no longer being published).
After a long hiatus, he is once again writing for Union Gospel Press and is one of their regular assigned writers of feature articles for The Gospel Herald and The Sunday School Times, a quarterly publication for families and adults.